Extracting tar files to specific place and create a symbolic link to it. Used by my blog.
Find a file
2023-04-04 11:43:17 +08:00
scripts Add scripts as example or tool to create and upload tar 2023-04-04 11:43:17 +08:00
main.py Check existence before remove symlink when deploying 2023-03-31 16:57:56 +08:00
README.md Add README 2023-04-04 11:36:19 +08:00

Static Deplyer

A simple daemon help with extracting tar files to specific place and create a symbolic link to it, the tar files should be transferred to this daemon by http.


No data-form or x-www-urlencoded-form supported, so the tar must be transferred just in POST body, ie: curl --data-binary @file.tar.gz.

No authorization implemented, so a reverse proxy with auth is recommanded.

Tar file with sub directories with be extracted as is, so do not contain parent directory when you create tar.


$ ./main.py --help
usage: main.py [-h] --archive-dir ARCHIVE_DIR --extract-dir EXTRACT_DIR --symlink-path
               SYMLINK_PATH [--keep-extract KEEP_EXTRACT] [--keep-archive KEEP_ARCHIVE]
               --port PORT [--temp-dir TEMP_DIR]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --archive-dir ARCHIVE_DIR
                        directory to save archives
  --extract-dir EXTRACT_DIR
                        directory to save extracted files
  --symlink-path SYMLINK_PATH
                        path of symlink which redirect to extracted archive
  --keep-extract KEEP_EXTRACT
                        Number of extracted archives to keep, 0 mean never vacuum
  --keep-archive KEEP_ARCHIVE
                        Number of archives to keep, 0 mean never vacuum
  --port PORT           listen port on, no authorization implemented so only
                        listen on for safety
  --temp-dir TEMP_DIR   path to save in-delivery archive


First start the daemon.

$ ./main.py --port 8080 --archive-dir archive --extract-dir extracted --symlink-path serve
INFO:root:Listening on
INFO:root:Archive saves under: archive
INFO:root:Extract tar under: extracted
INFO:root:Keep 8 archives at most
INFO:root:Keep 4 extracted at most
INFO:root:Symbolic link location: serve
INFO:root:Temperory directory: /tmp
INFO:root:Starting httpd...

Then create a tar and upload it to this daemon.

Note: the tar shouldn't contain its parent directory, but . as parent is acceptable. Or you can follow this step to create a more elegant tar.

$ mkdir tmp
$ cd tmp
$ echo 'Hello, world!' > index.html
$ tar --gzip -cf ../tmp.tar.gz .
$ tar -tf ../tmp.tar.gz
$ curl --data-binary @../tmp.tar.gz http://localhost:8080/

And the server side shows

INFO:root:Starting httpd...
INFO:FileManager:Temporarily save to /tmp/archive_2023-04-04T10:35:49.tar.gz
INFO:FileManager:Moving saved archive to archive/archive_2023-04-04T10:35:49.tar.gz
INFO:FileManager:Extracting to extracted/archive_2023-04-04T10:35:49
INFO:FileManager:Recreating symlink point to extracted/archive_2023-04-04T10:35:49
INFO:FileManager:Vacuuming archive, keep the 8 lastest
INFO:FileManager:Vacuuming extract, keep the 4 lastest
INFO:FileManager:Deploy success - - [04/Apr/2023 10:35:49] "POST / HTTP/1.1" 200 -

Finally the directory looks like (omit unrelated directories):

├── archive
│   └── archive_2023-04-04T10:35:49.tar.gz
├── extracted
│   └── archive_2023-04-04T10:35:49
│       └── index.html
└── serve -> extracted/archive_2023-04-04T10:35:49

Use Case

When you hold a static site and want to update its content easily, like just uploading a tar and automatically deployed.