# makedeb Script for building Debian package quickly and easily. Inspired by Archlinux's makepkg. ## Example Check the `DEBBUILD` ## Reference ### Build process First it download needed content from array `sources`, then use function `pkgver` to determine the package version, then run function `build` and function `package`, then run hooks `debian_(pre|post)(inst|rm)` and make the printed strings as debian's hook scripts. Finally generate .deb with files in `$pkgdir`. ### Download and extract source Every string in array `source` should be like `::`. When downloading, the `download_url` content will be named with ``. When `build` and `pacage` run, every `` will be copied to `$srcdir`. If the file is a compressed file, it will be decompressed, if the file is a git repo, the specific branch, commit or tag will be checkouted. ### Global variables - `pkgname`: package's name - `pkgver`: package's version, if need to extract version from source, use function `pkgver` - `pkgrel`: debian package reference, it should increase by one every build - `pkgdesc`: package's description - `section`: default `misc` if not specified - `priority`: default `optional` if not specified - `url`: packages upstream url - `maintainer`: maintainer's contect information ### Global functions - `pkgver`: should print the actual version. This override the variable `pkgver` - `build`: do something like compile source - `package`: do something like copy file from `$srcdir` to `$pkgdir` - `debian_(pre|post)(inst|rm)`: should print content of debian hooks file