title = "Flat theme" theme = "hugo-theme-flat" themesDir = "../.." enableRobotsTXT = true hasCJKLanguage = true baseURL = "" [pagination] pagerSize = 4 # these values are hugo built in markup config [markup.highlight] anchorLineNos = false codeFences = true guessSyntax = false hl_Lines = '' lineAnchors = '' lineNoStart = 1 lineNos = false lineNumbersInTable = false noClasses = false noHl = false style = 'monokailight' tabWidth = 4 [params] description = "Example site for hugo-theme-flat" mainSections = ['posts'] ## uncomment belows and set proper values to enable remark42 # [params.remark42] # host='' # site_id='' # max_shown_comments=100 # theme='light' # locale='en' # show_email_subscription=false # simple_view=true # you can set multi row of footers like these [[params.footer_rows]] [[params.footer_rows.items]] name = "Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International" url = "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/" pre = "Copyright CC BY-4.0" [[params.footer_rows]] [[params.footer_rows.items]] name = "Hugo" url = "https://gohugo.io" pre = "Powered by Hugo" [[params.footer_rows.items]] name = "theme flat" url = "https://cgit.leafee98.com/hugo-theme-flat.git" pre = "Theme hugo-theme-flat" [[menus.main]] name = "Posts" url = "/posts/" weight = 30 [[menus.main]] name = "Essays" url = "/essays/" weight = 40 [[menus.main]] pageref = "about" name = "About" weight = 80 # 2-level sub menus are supported [[menus.main]] name = "Services" weight = 60 [[menus.main]] parent = "Services" name = "Service A" url = "#" [[menus.main]] parent = "Services" name = "Service B" url = "#"