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464 lines
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title: "AsciiDoctor Syntax Test"
date: 2023-06-07T20:44:48+08:00
tags: []
categories: []
weight: 50
show_comments: true
draft: false
This article is a test for AsciiDoc syntax, and will try to use
as many AsciiDoc features as possible. Most content come from
AsciiDoc Syntax Quick Reference].
Now let's go.
== Paragraphs
Paragraphs don't require special markup in AsciiDoc.
A paragraph is defined by one or more consecutive lines of text.
Line breaks within a paragraph are not displayed.
Leave at least one empty line to begin a new paragraph.
=== Literal paragraph
A normal paragraph.
A literal paragraph.
One or more consecutive lines indented by at least one space.
The text is shown in a fixed-width (typically monospace) font.
The lines are preformatted (i.e., as formatted in the source).
Spaces and newlines,
like the ones in this sentence,
are preserved.
=== Hard line break
Roses are red, +
violets are blue.
A ruby is red.
Java is black.
=== Lead paragraph
This text will be styled as a lead paragraph (i.e., larger font).
This paragraph will not be.
== Text formatting
It has *strong* significance to me.
I _cannot_ stress this enough.
Type `OK` to accept.
That *_really_* has to go.
Can't pick one? Let's use them `*_all_*`.
**C**reate, **R**ead, **U**pdate, and **D**elete (CRUD)
That's fan__freakin__tastic!
Don't pass generic ``Object``s to methods that accept ``String``s!
It was Beatle**__mania__**!
Mark my words, #automation is essential#.
##Mark##up refers to text that contains formatting ##mark##s.
Where did all the [.underline]#cores# go?
We need [.line-through]#ten# twenty VMs.
A [.myrole]#custom role# must be fulfilled by the theme.
"`double curved quotes`"
'`single curved quotes`'
"plain double curved quotes"
Olaf's desk was a mess.
A ``std::vector```'s size is the number of items it contains.
All of the werewolves`' desks were a mess.
Olaf had been with the company since the `'00s.
== Links
https://asciidoctor.org - automatic!
mailto:join@discuss.example.org[Subscribe,Subscribe me,I want to join!]
https://chat.asciidoc.org[Discuss AsciiDoc,role=external,window=_blank]
https://chat.asciidoc.org[Discuss AsciiDoc^]
link:++https://example.org/?q=[a b]++[URL with special characters]
https://example.org/?q=%5Ba%20b%5D[URL with special characters]
[[bookmark-a]]Inline anchors make arbitrary content referenceable.
[#bookmark-b]#Inline anchors can be applied to a phrase like this one.#
anchor:bookmark-c[]Use a cross reference to link to this location.
[[bookmark-d,last paragraph]]The xreflabel attribute will be used as link text in the cross-reference link.
See <<paragraphs>> to learn how to write paragraphs.
Learn how to organize the document into <<section-titles,sections>>.
Refer to xref:document-b.adoc#section-b[Section B of Document B] for more information.
If you never return from xref:document-b.adoc[Document B], we'll send help.
== Includes
== Lists
* List item
** Nested list item
*** Deeper nested list item
* List item
** Another nested list item
* List item
* Level 1 list item
** Level 2 list item
*** Level 3 list item
**** Level 4 list item
***** Level 5 list item
****** etc.
* Level 1 list item
. Step 1
. Step 2
.. Step 2a
.. Step 2b
. Step 3
. Level 1 list item
.. Level 2 list item
... Level 3 list item
.... Level 4 list item
..... Level 5 list item
. Level 1 list item
* [*] checked
* [x] also checked
* [ ] not checked
* normal list item
First term:: The description can be placed on the same line
as the term.
Second term::
Description of the second term.
The description can also start on its own line.
What is the answer?::
This is the answer.
Are cameras allowed?::
Are backpacks allowed?::
Operating Systems::
. Fedora
* Desktop
. Ubuntu
* Desktop
* Server
. FreeBSD
. NetBSD
Cloud Providers::
. OpenShift
. CloudBees
. Amazon EC2
. Rackspace
* Every list item has at least one paragraph of content,
which may be wrapped, even using a hanging indent.
Additional paragraphs or blocks are adjoined by putting
a list continuation on a line adjacent to both blocks.
list continuation:: a plus sign (`{plus}`) on a line by itself
* A literal paragraph does not require a list continuation.
$ cd projects/my-book
* AsciiDoc lists may contain any complex content.
|Column 1, Header Row |Column 2, Header Row
|Column 1, Row 1
|Column 2, Row 1
== Images
.A mountain sunset
[#img-sunset,caption="Figure 1: ",link=/essays/asciidoctor-test/sunset.jpg]
image::https://asciidoctor.org/images/octocat.jpg[GitHub mascot]
image:sunset.jpg[Sunset,150,150,role=right] What a beautiful sunset!
== Keyboard, button, and menu macros
|Shortcut |Purpose
|Toggle fullscreen
|Open a new tab
== Literals and source code
Output literal monospace text, such as `+{backtick}+` or `+http://localhost:8080+`,
by enclosing the text in a pair of pluses surrounded by a pair backticks. Another way
to monospace text is use single `backtick`.
Normal line.
Indent line by one space to create a literal line.
Normal line.
error: 1954 Forbidden search
absolutely fatal: operation lost in the dodecahedron of doom
Would you like to try again? y/n
remote: https://rubygems.org/
asciidoctor (2.0.15)
asciidoctor (~> 2.0.15)
.Some Ruby code
require 'sinatra'
get '/hi' do
"Hello World!"
require 'sinatra' // <1>
get '/hi' do // <2>
"Hello World!" // <3>
<1> Library import
<2> URL mapping
<3> HTTP response body
== Admonitions
NOTE: An admonition draws the reader's attention to auxiliary information.
Here are the other built-in admonition types:
IMPORTANT: Don't forget the children!
TIP: Look for the warp zone under the bridge.
CAUTION: Slippery when wet.
WARNING: The software you're about to use is untested.
IMPORTANT: Sign off before stepping away from your computer.
An admonition block may contain complex content.
.A list
- one
- two
- three
Another paragraph.
== More delimited blocks
[quote,Abraham Lincoln,Address delivered at the dedication of the Cemetery at Gettysburg]
Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth
on this continent a new nation...
[quote,Albert Einstein]
A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.
A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.
[quote,Charles Lutwidge Dodgson,'Mathematician and author, also known as https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lewis_Carroll[Lewis Carroll]']
If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there.
"I hold it that a little rebellion now and then is a good thing,
and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical."
-- Thomas Jefferson, Papers of Thomas Jefferson: Volume 11
== Tables
|Name |Category |Description
|Mozilla Firefox is an open source web browser.
It's designed for standards compliance,
performance, portability.
|An innovative and highly extensible testing platform.
Empowers developers to easily create real, automated tests.
|Mozilla Firefox is an open source web browser.
It's designed for:
* standards compliance
* performance
* portability
https://getfirefox.com[Get Firefox]!
|1 >s|2 |3 |4
^|5 2.2+^.^|6 .3+<.>m|7
|9 2+>|10
== Comments
There will show no other content, because comments are not shown.
// A single-line comment
A multi-line comment.
Notice it's a delimited block.
== Footnotes
A statement.footnote:[Clarification about this statement.]
A bold statement!footnote:disclaimer[Opinions are my own.]
Another bold statement.footnote:disclaimer[]