return { "mrjones2014/smart-splits.nvim", event = "VeryLazy", opts = { ignored_filetypes = { "nofile", "quickfix", "qf", "prompt" }, ignored_buftypes = { "nofile" } }, keys = { { "", function() require("smart-splits").move_cursor_left() end, desc = "Move to left split" }, { "", function() require("smart-splits").move_cursor_down() end, desc = "Move to below split" }, { "", function() require("smart-splits").move_cursor_up() end, desc = "Move to above split" }, { "", function() require("smart-splits").move_cursor_right() end, desc = "Move to right split" }, { "", function() require("smart-splits").resize_up() end, desc = "Resize split up" }, { "", function() require("smart-splits").resize_down() end, desc = "Resize split down" }, { "", function() require("smart-splits").resize_left() end, desc = "Resize split left" }, { "", function() require("smart-splits").resize_right() end, desc = "Resize split right" }, }, }